Diffusion to "modern Kalashnikov" Middle East drone war | Middle ...

Indian Navy, in a dispatch sea defend the ship cough to the Middle ...

Diffusion to "modern Kalashnikov" Middle East drone war | Middle ... Indian Navy by the day, issued a statement with the combat ships coughing as to defend an important sea route for the Indian response to the Gulf of Oman situation the attack on the tanker cough was followed recently dispatched in the same bay. Cough is a guided-missile destroyer [Chennai] and patrol ship [Sunaina], in addition to the Gulf of Oman, corresponds to the mission to improve the safety of the ocean in the Persian Gulf to be connected. Of this dispatch is part of the Sankarupu strategy, and fed also reconnaissance aircraft. Both cough is a state-of-the-art vessels that India Navy to deploy, Chennai is also cough with the most powerful attack capability. The country's navy did not mention, such as the arrival date and time to the weir of the dispatch waters and the Gulf of Oman. Same strategy was announced on the day, but Iran is the day before, it had also announced that it has shot down a US reconnaissance drone (small unmanned airplanes) in the Gulf of Oman. Both countries of opinion on whether Iran airspace or international airspace is conflict about where shot down has occurred.

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