Diffusion to "modern Kalashnikov" Middle East drone war | Middle ...

Strongest nation, surprising weakness of Israel suffering One of ...

Diffusion to "modern Kalashnikov" Middle East drone war | Middle ... Israeli general election Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, led by right-wing [Likud] Union in the month was victory, received a boost of US playing cards administration, [when strong that now was not] and (analyst), enjoying the spring of this world (pressed) It looks as if to have to. In practice, however, it had a big dilemma in the Middle East peace process] and [Iran's nuclear] that One of the problems, but the reality is are suffering. Security environment surrounding the Israel of playing cards administration after birth has been remained in the preferred flow to the country with the strongest military power in the Middle East. In the undercurrent, there are basically three factors. First, the former composition of [Arab versus Israel] will completely collapse in the division of the Arab world, but that it is not in the presence of isolation in the Middle East. Arab powers Egypt 0 years ago, when I signed with Israel alone peace, the possibility of Middle East war have also been repeated in every time disappeared on fact.

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