Diffusion to "modern Kalashnikov" Middle East drone war | Middle ...

India and China of the power game that militarization - meaning for ...

Diffusion to "modern Kalashnikov" Middle East drone war | Middle ... Month this year, there was a big movement in the Indian Ocean. India forces in destabilization of the Maldives situation is almost same as the possibility to intervene in the Maldives has been pointed out, is the Chinese Navy vessels cough has entered the Indian Ocean []. Together with the Chinese vessels vessels participating in the counter-piracy off the coast of Somalia so that the Chinese naval vessels also cough is deployed in the Indian Ocean. On the other hand, India has conducted a large-scale military exercises in such as the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. In addition, according to the Indian Ocean invasion of China fleet, India dispatched a fleet, the Chinese side after encountering the Indian fleet, seems to have pulled up. In recent years, in the Indian Ocean Shirushichu naval movement it has become active. What's happening in the integrated Indian Ocean. Whether it has any such meaning for Japan. In this paper, we focus on military movements in the mark over the Indian Ocean.

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